
6 maggio, giornata nazionale per l’epilessia

Myself too had weird seizures, Heaven knows what:
On a sudden in the midst of men and day,
And while I walked and talked as heretofore,
I seemed to move among a world of ghosts,
And feel myself the shadow of a dream.
da Alfred Tennyson, The Princess (1847-1851), vv. 14-18

And the worst thing is, I haven’t a fucking clue what I look like, or what the fuck I’m doing, or what anyone else is doing to me. I’ve just got to put up with the broken ribs and black eyes. Like being married to some psycho I can’t ever divorce.
When I picture myself chucking a fit, I see myself from behind. I stiffen up like a shop dummy, scream like an animal being shot, then topple. I see myself in slow motion, like in a film. I look unhinged, and when I hit the floor, I begin my hurly-burly. My arms and legs twist like rope. Body thrashing – it curdles my blood. It’s like when you’re watching a film and the film jumps from one moment to the next, but that’s all right, your head can handle that. But this is my life and I’m missing bits. You’re not meant to miss so many bits.
da Ray Robinson, Electricity (2006), p. 49

The medical humanities exist to facilitate and enable the recording and interpretation of the human experience of health, disease, illness, medicine, and health care. The study and writing of literature must be one of the best ways to do this.
(Gillie Bolton)

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